Monday, June 14, 2010

Another Disappointment

Well again I have to say that I am extremely disappointed in the second 503 assignment. It doesn't seem to matter how much time and effort you put into something, it is just not good enough. So no doubt I will be up for another assignment - I wonder what that will bring. As stated in the forum - failing an assignment won't change the fact that I am a very good teacher-librarian.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

'Critical Synthesis'

PART C: Reflection on the role of a Teacher Librarian

My role as a teacher librarian has continued to grow and develop. I see my role as more than just a Release from Face to Face Teacher who is responsible for organising the library and providing teachers with an hour relief. Unfortunately, the majority of teachers at my school see me as the Library teacher who provides them with part of their release time.

Prior to my commencement at Ironbark Ridge Public School (IRPS), I had worked in a variety of positions - classroom teacher K to 6; ESL, STLA teacher and teacher librarian. I have always been committed to providing students with an educational experience, which meets their learning needs, is relevant to their daily lives and fostering a commitment to lifelong learning.

In my capacity as TL at IRPS, I will continue to support and enhance teaching and learning within the School whilst supporting the development of information literacy and lifelong learning. I am developing many specialist skills essential for maintaining a functional library and this will continue now that I am undertaking the Teacher Librarianship with the NSW Department of Education.

In my role as TL I have always been committed to integrating technology across all learning areas. I demonstrate this by encouraging and providing continuous access for students to computer software that reinforces and consolidates teaching and learning activities. It provides opportunities to enhance learning and help students recognise, organise, and present knowledge.

Even though I had worked as a TL casually, this appointment was a steep learning curve. I presumed that teachers would be willing to work collaboratively with me but this year is the first time in the five years at IRPS that I have collaboratively planned with another teacher in the school. Previously I was just told to teach the content however you like – that being the only discussion with classroom teachers. It has been extremely beneficial working with the LOTE teacher – we share the same office and arranged our RFF at the same time – that was easy as we organised the RFF timetable. Collaboration between both of us has

certainly assisted in organising content, resources and maintaining students’ interests. I also hope that other staff members will follow our example in regards to collaborative planning.

Evaluating the “Standards of professional excellence for teacher librarians” proved to be invaluable to me. Even though I have been in this position for a number of years, I wasn’t aware that such a document even existed. It has provided me with a clearer understanding of the roles and expectations for all teacher librarians. Most teachers undervalue the role of teacher librarians but after reading and evaluating this document, it is sheer ignorance on their part.

Since moving in to the role of teacher librarian and beginning the requirements of this course, my understanding of what teacher librarians do, or rather should do, has been constantly evolving. From the content and discussion of this unit in particular, both the details and the overall scope of being responsible for managing the resource centre of the school was, and is, a daunting revelation.

I have been working on increasing an awareness of the importance of the library and the creation of an information literate school community. A major challenge in promoting the teacher librarian as an integral part of the school community is the role that the principal plays in helping it to take place (Watts 1999, Gibbs 2003). At IRPS, the significance of the teacher librarian role and the responsibilities associated with it has not formerly been addressed to the staff. One strategy designed to address this is the development of the school’s first Library Collection Management Policy.

With IRPS being a relatively new school (established 2005) the library is only now becoming more of a school focus. My first priority has been to make the library an appealing, welcoming learning environment full of excellent resources that are easy to access. All work completed by students is hung around the room, information charts and resources are displayed. I believe that the library at IRPS is a very vibrant and engaging learning environment.

It is important to complete management tasks for the library on a regular basis. I am lucky to have a principal that allows me to prioritise according to what I believe the library requires. I see myself as fortunate when I compare myself to other colleagues completing ETL401 who fight for approval to participate in professional development sessions for teacher librarians.

As a negative, I would have liked to have some teaching and guidance on SCIS, Oasis and the dreaded Stocktaking. I have to admit that even though I still find the whole retraining process overwhelming, it certainly was more beneficial than what I thought it would be. Hopefully all members of the IRPS community will see the role of the Teacher Librarian as one that is respected and valued.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Nearly half way!!

Wow!! Nearly half way!! Assignment 2 for 503 sent off and hopefully proves to be more successful than the first assignment. Had a study day today and spent it tidying up Assignment 2 for 401. Should be ready to post off in the next few days. Hopefully all is okay.
It will be nice to have a break from all the reading and concentrate on other things in life. But in saying that wouldn't mind having next semesters readings up so as to get a head start. Then less stress.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Assignment from 401 - much happier to say the least. But I will add some more of my feelings in regards to subject 503. After reading many of the comments in the forum, I can see that I am not alone in my feelings towards the results of assignments - in particular 503. It is shame that we, as adults, have to put added stress on to ourselves because our best is not seen to be good enough by others. I have decided that if my best isn't good enough, than so be it - but I will not neglect my children or anything that is happening in their lives as life is too, too short. If I thought I wasn't putting in the effort than it would be different - but I spend hours and hours working on this course - and the result - extremely negative - no positive comments at all. We as teachers are also told to make sure we add positive comments to all students work.
Some positives - I was very happy with my results from the first assignment with 401 - but more importantly the positive comments and the marking key - very easy to follow. Thank you !!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Assignment 1 - 503

To say the least - extremely disappointed with mark for this assignment - thought I had made a very reasonable attempt. But that is life - have decided not to wallow in self pity because I know that I did the best that I could possibly do. Hopefully the marks for the other assignments will be better !!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

It has certainly been longer than anticipated before writing in my blog again. I have had a very busy couple of weeks. Two of my children's birthday and then a weekend in the city for a high school reunion - 35 years since leaving high school.
But I have been able to fit in most of the readings - and starting drafts of assignments 2 for both subjects. Looks like some more late nights ahead.
I have always had a great interest in Picture Books, so I have decided to write about the Junior Fiction Collection within my Library at school.
As stated previously, the school is relatively new so there were no policies in place. I will be describing collection policies in general.
When it comes to writing the Collections Policy - not to sure how much goes into it, particularly in relation to the general Library Policy.
After having a look at the different information skills, I think I will find it difficult fitting the comparisons and contrasts into the required 750 words.
The three information skills models I have decided to compare are the Information Process by the NSW Department of Education, the Big6 and Dr. Carol Kuhlthau's Information Search Process.
Evaluating the Standards will take the time - not sue to group them or write about each one individually - will check the forum and the chatline to see the opinions of others.
That's about all for now - still trying to catch up on very little sleep over the weekend.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I didn't think I would be able to enjoy any of my holiday due to assignments, but alas - I made sure one was definitely finished and the other almost. Have now sent both in. My neighbour is completing an external course at University and suggested that I post assignments in - which I did. That ensured that I was finished a bit earlier.
I resourced Chinese in the first assignment in 503 as I am team teaching with the Chinese Teacher. That has been really beneficial as we are both making use of the resources. We actually purchased what we could or retrieved them on-line. I am concentrating on research of China's culture, geography and history while Jodi is teaching the spoken and written language.
The first assignment for 401 now sees me rethink my role in the library. I am not just merely a Release from Face to Face teacher - unfortunately, there are many teachers minds I have to try to change. Hopefully the school will gradually become more information literate - I think it will happen, just slowly. Luckily, our Principal is very supportive.
After a couple of days of relaxation and now all my Easter eggs are eaten, I will start to think about the next lot of readings and have a look at the next two assignments.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Oh what a feeling" - first assignment finished and posted off. Hopefully will be okay! Study day yesterday was certainly a great help. Now to finish the next assignment. Just as well the weather isn't looking to good for the Easter break.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hopefully back on track !!!

Hopefully back on track - been able to do some more readings while busily completing first assignment for 503. Getting there with 401 also. Looking forward to a study day on Monday to fine tune things. I am very happy to see that I am not the only one finding everything getting the better of me. Thanks for your support girls.
Thank goodness this week was better at school - luckily the principal is very understanding and very supportive. She was one of the reasons why I had a bad week - misunderstandings and stubbornness don't mix too well!
All I hope is that I am on the right track with the assignments but all I can say is that I am completing them the best I can. I enjoyed the resource collection particularly as I am involved in the teaching of Chinese Culture.

Friday, March 19, 2010

One unfavourable week at school, one less than co-operative husband, extra running around with family adds up to one massive headache and stressed beyond reason. Up till this week was up to date with readings but now have decided to put them on hold so to concentrate on both assignments. Hopefully things will start to improve - will take a study day on a day when all my kids are at either school, uni or Tafe so I can have a full day to myself. Have started a rough draft of assignments, just to need to put all information together. Hope that this week is better. At least the four day headache has disappeared for now.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

More Readings

Trying to keep on top of the reading while writing drafts about bits and pieces of the Assignments. I will be researching resources for Chinese Language and Culture for 'Resourcing the Curriculum'. This year RFF revolves around LOTE - Chinese. The RFF language teacher will be teaching the language and writing the characters while I will be concerned with researching the Culture. The research is only for Stages 2 and 3. The younger grades have team teaching in the Library so their classes RFF are with 2 other RFF teachers - they are also learning Chinese - just not the Culture.
I am sure the reading of the modules will benefit me when it is time to fully concentrate on the assignments - in the mean time I will continue to take notes on what I will use in the assignments. Still very concerned about writing the essays - been such a long time since I have written an essay.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I am trying to get on top of the added pressures but finding it difficult to cope with family life - particularly the everyday mundane things like cooking, cleaning and washing. My kids are being very supportive and I hope this continues through out the year.
I have been doing bits and pieces of both assignments but decided to concentrate on one at a time. I have now decided to have a break from the 503 and move onto the 401 assignment. I am presently reading about the information literate school communities and the roles the teacher librarians play in maintaining this. Hopefully I will start getting some ideas on paper and start the 401 assignment.
As I always say - only time will tell and in saying this I feel I am giving my best shot when reading and completing assignments.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Endeavouring to get underway with assignments - started Information Literate School Community but switched over to Resourcing the Curriculum. Thought about doing bits and pieces of both but decided one at a time is probably a better way of going about it - particularly as it has been so long since I have completed anything like this. I don't sleep very well so spend half the night on the computer trying to get my head around things - then I am so tired the next day. Oh well, can only try!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Trying to absorb the readings and transferring this information into words. It has been so long since any formal study and so finding it very daunting putting pen to paper. Would really like a private lesson in referencing.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I have just finished reading Resourced-Based Learning, A Shift in the Roles of Teacher Learner by Carol-Ann Haycock. I feel there is necessity for both RBL and RBT. I work at a Primary School with 2 OC classes. The majority of work undertaken by the students in those 2 class is RBL. The other Stage 3 classes do a combination of both.The other classes during the first half of the year certainly are more involved in RBT. As their skills improve, they will be given more opportunity to be involved in RBL. The Infants students - Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 have their RFF with one of the other RFF Teachers. Another issue is the availability of resources for students to use - some schools are certainly more fortunate than others.

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Started some readings aver the weekend but found it difficult to concentrate with everything happening in my household. I'm sure most of us with families will have the same problem. I think I will do dome of the reading after school where I can lock myself in my office and hopefully not be disturbed.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday, 25th February
Attended the first day of the Department of Education Orientation. Pleased to know that most of the teachers there are also apprehensive about the course - especially completing the assignments. Met some lovely people and a group of us intend to stay in contact as a close supporting network. I am very concerned about trying to juggle full time work, family life and studying.